Tuesday 29 December 2009

Should Black women seek their prince charming or are they too unrealistic and demanding?

So I came across this video on Youtube. Four Black women whom are successful, intelligent, attractive and most notably single. When I watched the video on Youtube I must say I did not see anything wrong with them or what they were looking for in a relationship.

Then I read some of the comments left by other viewers and began to be alarmed. What struck me the most was the comments left by some men such as;

"Black women are CHOOSING to take their stand AGAINST the Black Man along with the rest of White America.... We don't need to defend a woman who has made HERSELF our enemy, and who REJECTS the BLACK MAN as the MAN OF HIS HOUSE".

"Their standards are too high".

"Sounds like these fine ladies are not really looking for a husband, they're just looking for some handsome and successful prince that they can show to their friends, kinda like new shoes or a handbag. It's no wonder they can't find one. First of all, not many men exist who meet their standards and secondly, such a man would not be content being a "trophy husband".

"They want a f**king man who will help them move up the social ladder. And who won't question her for being superficial and shallow. Stupid b**ches".

Now I don't know where all this hostility and anger from these fellow YouTube users are coming from, but something is not right. When did it become wrong for successful women to look for someone at a similar level of their career with similar ideals? I never knew this was a crime. I mean do we not enter relationships with people who we feel have similar ideals and aspirations? Do we not enter relations with people who we feel will understand us which subsequently paves the way for a more long lasting and solid relationship. And do these ideals not come from a shared sense of a host of several factors. By no means am I saying that if you are a woman with a certain pay check then you can only go out with men who have the same pay check. Or if you drive a BMW then your man should also if not better. What I am saying though or even asking is, are relationships not based on shared ideologies? And if that is the case why are some people so angry or start blaming women (as demonstrated above) for seeking these ideals out. Is it wrong for a princess to seek her prince charming? Or as some may argue are Black women to demanding and unrealistic?

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